Below are some sleeping tips which we found very handy with settling our babies. These have been reviewed by a Melbourne paediatrician however please ensure that you seek medical advice for any symptoms or behaviours which you are unsure of.

thumbnail of Snugglebum Sleeping Tips – 0-6 months thumbnail of Snugglebum Sleeping Tips – 6-12 months thumbnail of Snugglebum Sleeping Tips – 1-3 years

The sleeping tips provided on the Snugglebum website are presented for general educational purposes only. Although Snugglebum believes that it has taken all due and reasonable care in providing such said information that it believes to be accurate and safe, it specifically presents such information “as is”, without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, and it is not liable for mistakes, errors or omissions of any kind nor for any loss or damage caused by a user’s reliance on facts data, opinions, statements or other information appearing or published on the Snugglebum site.

Snugglebum specifically states and emphasises that the information appearing on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Snugglebum further states that if you have any questions or concerns regarding you or your family’s physical or mental health, you must consult and seek assistance from a qualified health provider or childcare expert.

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